Instruction manual

Instruction manual on how to start, conduct and manage loan projects with Finance| Loan| Grant

Registration as a lender

Any private individual or legal entity that is resident of European economic area can register as a lender. In the registration process we ask to disclose contact information, as well as provide with identification documents. At the moment new lender registration is available only through invitations that can be send by already registered members or Finance| Loan| Grant.

Evaluation of companies

All lending opportunities that can be cofinanced with Finance| Loan| Grant are published in Finance| Loan| Grant’s website under section Lending opportunities. News on current and upcoming investment projects by default are also sent electronically via email. For each of the lending opportunities information on company’s operations, provided collateral, loan agreement form, financial results, risk analysis and other characteristics is available. Furthermore, additional information on each of the projects can be requested by contacting representative of Finance| Loan| Grant, as indicated at the end of description for each lending opportunity. All cofinancing projects are published on the platform with “Coming up” status one working day before the launch of cofinancing campaign.

Loan issue

Following the evaluation of the investment project, on the right side of the project’s profile each lender can indicate the coFinance| Loan| Grant amount in the company. The minimum amount of investments is $ 1,000. In some instances Finance| Loan| Grant might limit the maximum loan amount that one lender can provide towards the project. As a next step lender will receive to the registered email information on the transfer details for concluding the transaction. Money transfer to the indicated bank account of Finance| Loan| Grant shall be made within 48h. When money has been received by Finance| Loan| Grant, lender receives automatic email confirmation.

Financing is issued to the company on the condition that the full amount of the requested funding is acquired from cofinanciers within the time frame as indicated in the project’s description. If the funding has been successfully raised, Finance| Loan| Grant concludes loan agreement with the company as well as sends email to all lenders on conclusion of the transaction. Each lender owns proportional share of the issued loan to the company. In accordance to our Terms of Use lenders authorise Finance| Loan| Grant to sign the loan agreement, conduct registration of the pledge, provide loan monitoring, payment distribution and other necessary actions.

If the project does not raise the requested funding, all of the received transfers are sent back to the lenders within one working day.

Repayment of loan

Financed companies transfer all of the payments according to the signed contract to Finance| Loan| Grant’s bank account. Following the reception of the payment, Finance| Loan| Grant distributes the funds and transfers money to the bank accounts of lenders.

Loan information and management

Information on all of the concluded agreements, received and planned payments as well as other information related to each lending opportunity lenders can view in Finance| Loan| Grant’s home page under section My Loans (requires login). Furthermore, each lender can view section Account Statement, where cash flows related to cofinancing activities can been seen for selected time periods.

Change of account information

Lenders can change their account information in the section My Profile. In case of changes in the country of residence, bank account details or other information, repeat personal identification might be necessary.


Cofinancing service is offered to lenders free of charge. Finance| Loan| Grant collects a fee in the amount of 1-5% of the funding amount from the financed company in addition to regular loan monitoring and management fee that is added to the interest payments.


Income gained by providing loans to businesses can be subject to personal and corporate income taxes depending on the tax residency of the lender. All of the transfers to the lenders are gross, namely, Finance| Loan| Grant does not withhold any tax amounts. Finance| Loan| Grant invites all investors to individually seek guidance on the calculation and payment of the applicable taxes, consulting with certified advisors when necessary.